
From VoidWiki
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Heyo, welcome to VoidWiki - a collaborative wiki project about nothing and everything.

Who is running VoidWiki?

VoidWiki is hosted by Kevin Kandlbinder (Imprint) and shared between some friends.

Why does VoidWiki exist?

VoidWiki exists to share expertiese in various fields we each collect, so we can cross-reference our findings and share them with each other. This can be settings for analouge film, docker compose files for services we host, or anything else really.

Can I edit VoidWiki?

Short answer: No, slightly longer answer: It depends.

As a whole VoidWiki is meant to be a small exchange between friends. If you think you have some good stuff you could commit, you can still email me and I may invite you, but that is not guaranteed, as this is just a small-time project.